
Materials & Programs

Educational Materials
The following informational rack cards are available for free. Call or email us to order them for your organization or you can print them out using the links below.

rack card stage 1 rack card stage 1

rack card stage 3 rack card stage 4 rack card counterfeit-seats rack card warm-and-safe

Car seats 101 for parents, caregivers and providers

Ever wonder what the changing rules about car seats are right now? BeSeatSmart currently has the following educational offerings:

Child Passenger Safety Awareness Class (2-4 Hours)
  • Explain how car seats and seat belts save lives and make people safer.
  • Discuss why all passengers should ride buckled up and kids should sit in a back seat.
  • Talk about the basic types of car seats.
  • Tell others about the importance of buckling up.

1 hour Child Passenger Safety Program overview

This presentation provides the participant with a brief overview of child passenger safety best practices and the state child passenger safety program. At the end of the class participants will be able to:

  • Know about the state program offerings
  • Be able to refer caregivers to local resources
  • Understand how car seats work to save lives


We can provide an educational display for your event. We’d be pleased to come out and talk car seats and vehicle safety!

Call or email us to schedule a free presentation
(877) 783-0432

BeSeatSmart provides a variety of education materials about child passenger safety. Email Us or Call CPS Hotline at (877) 783-0432 - Toll Free.

Special Health Care Needs

Have a child with special health care needs? Give us a call! New Hampshire has a number of special needs trained child passenger safety technicians. We’ll come to you, assess issues and offer a recommendation for the safest seating of all occupants of the vehicle.



Child passenger safety on buses is becoming an issue rising in public awareness. More and more parents and providers wonder about the safety of their children on the bus. Have a question? Call us – we’ll come to you, assess issues and offer a recommendation for the safest seating for all occupants of the vehicle. (877) 783-0432



Would you like to have a tabled presentation at a safety fair? We’d be pleased to come on out and talk car seats and vehicle safety! Call us at (877) 783-0432 to schedule.

Training Programs

Training Programs

National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training - 4 day class

The BeSeatSmart Program offers a variety of training related to child passenger safety. The National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program is a 40-hour course offered several times throughout the year for child passenger safety advocates. Upon completion of this course, students are certified as child passenger safety technicians through the NHTSA and Safe Kids Worldwide. For more information about becoming a child passenger safety technician, please contact the BeSeatSmart Program at (877) 783-0432.

new hampshire office of highway safety
dartmouth health children's
new hampshire office of highway safety
children's hospital at dartmouth-hitchcock
safe kids new hampshire
safe kids new hampshire