Fitting Stations

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What is a car seat inspection?

A car seat inspection is another free and convenient way to have your child's car seat inspected by a Nationally certified technician. Unlike Fitting Stations, car seat inspections are mobile, one-time events at unique locations and appointments are not always required. All car seat inspections are "first come, first served". Bring your child, your car and your child's safety seat to receive personal instruction on proper installation and use. Car seat inspection dates and locations are listed on the Calendar of Events. All New Hampshire's car seat inspection stations participate in the New Hampshire's Car Seat Program.

New Hampshire Fitting Stations

Car Seat Stations are listed by County.
Call for an Appointment
County / Agency Location Phone
Belknap County
Belknap County Sheriff 42 County Drive
Laconia, NH
(603) 729-1266
Gilford Fire & Rescue Department 39 Cherry Valley Road
Gilford, NH
(603) 527-4758
Gilford Police Department 47 Cherry Valley Road
Gilford, NH
(603) 527-4737
Laconia Head Start 121 Belmont Road
Laconia, NH
(603) 528-5334
Carroll County
Bartlett Police Department 56 Town Hall Road
Intervale, NH
(603) 356-5868
Moultonborough Police Department 1035 Whittier Hwy
Moultonborough, NH
(603) 476-2305
Cheshire County
Alstead Fire Department 9 Main Street
Alstead, NH
(603) 835-2347
Alstead Police Department 15 Mechanic Street
Alstead, NH
(603) 835-6277
Cheshire County Ems 66 Lake Street
Swanzey, NH
(603) 355-1900
Dublin Police Department 1122 Main St
Dublin, NH
(603) 563-8411
Jaffrey Fire Department 138 Turnpike Road
Jaffrey, NH
(603) 532-8377
Surry Volunteer Fire Department 444 Route 12A
Surry, NH
(845) 633-4250
Swanzey Fire Department 34 Main Street
Swanzey, NH
(603) 358-6455
Vermont EMS Academy 310 Marlboro Street, Ste 20S
Keene, NH
(802) 246-1352
Coos County
Colebrook Fire Dept. 18 Pleasant St
Colebrook, NH
(603) 237-5798
Family Resource Center of Gorham 123 Main Street #1
Gorham, NH
(603) 466-5190
Family Resource Center of Gorham - Lancaster 25 Main Street
Lancaster, NH
(603) 466- 5190
Gorham Fire Department 347 Main Street
Gorham, NH
(603) 466-2549
Grafton County
Bristol Fire Department 230 Lake Street
Bristol, NH
(603) 744-2632
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Women's Health Resource Center
9 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH
(603) 650-2600
Lebanon Police Department 36 Poverty Ln
Lebanon, NH
(603) 448-1212
Linwood Ambulance Service 12 Profile Drive
North Woodstock, NH
(603) 745-3904
Littleton Regional Healthcare 600 Saint Johnsbury Rd.
Littleton, NH
(603) 444-9000
Plymouth Fire Department 42 Highland Street
Plymouth, NH
(603) 536-1253
Hillsborough County
Amherst Police Department 175 Amherst St
Amherst, NH
(603) 673-4900
Bedford Fire Department 55 Constitution Drive
Bedford, NH
(603) 472-3219 Ext. 9
Brookline Ambulance Service 3 Post Office Drive
Brookline, NH
(603) 672-6216
Catholic Charities New Hampshire 16 Oak Street
Manchester, NH
(603) 647-2244
Goffstown Police Department 326 Mast Road
Goffstown, NH
(603) 497-4858
Hollis Fire Department 10 Glenice Drive
Hollis, NH
(603) 465-6001
Hollis Police Department 9 Silver Lake Road
Hollis, NH
(603) 465-7637
Hudson Police Department 1 Constitution Drive
Hudson, NH
(603) 886-6011
Litchfield Police Department 2 Liberty Way
Litchfield, NH
(603) 424-4047
Manchester Police Dept. 405 Valley Street
Manchester, NH
(603) 668-8711 Ext. 3200
Merrimack Fire Rescue 432 Daniel Webster Highway
Merrimack, NH
(603) 424-3690
Merrimack Police Department 31 Baboosic Lake Road
Merrimack, NH
(603) 420-1853
Milford Ambulance 66 Elm Street
Milford, NH
(603) 249-0610
Milford Fire Department 39 School Street
Milford, NH
(603) 249-0680
Monadnock Community Hospital 452 Old Street Rd
Peterborough, NH
(603) 924-4699 x4090
Nashua YMCA 24 Stadium Drive
Nashua, NH
(603) 882-2011
Pelham Police Department 14 Village Green
Pelham, NH
(603) 635-2411
Peterborough Fire & Rescue 16 Summer Street
Peterborough, NH
(603) 652-3122
Saint Joseph's Hospital 172 Kinsley Street
Nashua, NH
(603) 595-3168
Weare Police Department 144 North Stark Highway
Weare, NH
(603) 529-7755
Merrimack County
Allenstown Fire Department 1 Ferry Street
Allenstown, NH
(603) 485-9202
Allenstown Police Department 40 Allenstown Road
Allenstown, NH
(603) 485-9500
Concord Head Start 67 Old Loudon Road
Concord, NH
(603) 224-6492 Ext. 102 Ask for Sam
Concord Hospital 250 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH
(603) 227-7000 Ext. 3228
Dunbarton Police Department 18 Robert Rogers Road
Dunbarton, NH
(603) 774-5500
Early Head Start 67 Old Loudon Rd
Concord, NH
(603) 419-0916
Hooksett Police Department 15 Legends Drive
Hooksett, NH
(603) 624-1560
Hooksett Police Department 15 Legends Drive
Hooksett, NH
(603) 624-1560 Ext. 417 or 304
Loudon Fire Department 8 Cooper Street
Loudon, NH
(603) 798-5612
Pembroke Town Library 313 Pembroke Street
Pembroke, NH
(603) 485-7851
Pittsfield Fire Dept 33 Catamount Road
Pittsfield, NH
(603) 435-6807
Rockingham County
Atkinson Fire Department Academy Avenue
Atkinson, NH
(603) 362-5611
Chester Pd 84 Chester St.
Chester, NH
(603) 887-2080
Danville Fie Department 208 Main Street
Danville, NH
(603) 382-5133
Derry Police Department
Derry Residents Only
1 Municipal Drive
Derry, NH
(603) 845-5619
East Kingston Fire Department 5 Main Street
East Kingston, NH
(603) 642-3141
Epping Fire and Rescue 37 Pleasant Street
Epping, NH
(603) 679-5446
Epping Fire Department 37 Pleasant Street
Epping, NH
(603) 679-5446
Exeter Police Department 20 Court Street
Exeter, NH
(603) 772-1212
Greenland Police Department 16 Town Square
Greenland, NH
(603) 431-4624
Hampstead Fire & Rescue 17 Little's Lane
Hampstead, NH
(603) 329-6006
Hampton Fire Department 140 Winnacunnet Road
Hampton, NH
(603) 926-3316
Londonderry Fire Station #2 17 Young Road
Londonderry, NH
(603) 432-1104 ext. 4623
Newton NH Police Department 8 Merrimac Rd
Newton, NH
(603) 382-6774
Nottingham Police Department 139 Stage Rd
Nottingham, NH
(603) 679-1506
Plaistow NH Police Department 27 Elm Street
Plaistow, NH
(603) 382-6816
Raymond Fire 1 Scribner Road
Raymond, NH
(603) 895-3321
Raymond Police Department 4 Epping Street
Raymond, NH
(603) 895-4747
Rye Fire Department 555 Washington Road # 1
Rye, NH
(603) 964-6411
Salem Fire Department 152 Main Street
Salem, NH
(603) 890-2200
Salem Fire Department 152 Main Street
Salem, NH
(603) 685-6518
Seabrook Fire Department 87 Centennial St.
Seabrook, NH
(603) 474-2611
Seabrook Police Department 7 Liberty Lane
Seabrook, NH
(603) 474-5200
Stratham Police Department 76 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH
(603) 778-9691
The Baby Mavens Seacoast area
Portsmouth, NH
(781) 632-7171
Windham Fire Department 3 Fellows Road
Windham, NH
(603) 434-5577
Windham Fire Department 3 Fellows Road
Windham, NH
(603) 434-4907
Windham Police Department 4 Fellows Road
Windham, NH
(603) 434-5577
Strafford County
Durham Fire Department 51 College Road
Durham, NH
(603) 862-1426
Farmington Fire/ Rescue 160 Main Street
Farmington, NH
(603) 755-2131
Lee Police Department 20 George Bennett Road
Lee, NH
(603) 659-5866
Rochester Fire Department 37 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH
(603) 335-7545
University of New Hampshire 18 Waterworks Road
Durham, NH
(603) 862-1427
University of New Hampshire Police Department 18 Waterworks Rd
Durham, NH
(603) 862-1427
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital 789 Central Avenue
Dover, NH
(603) 740-3335
Sullivan County
Charlestown Police Department 2 Claremont Rd
Charlestown, NH
(603) 826-5747
Newport Fire Department 11 Sunapee Street
Newport, NH
(603) 863-1416
TLC 62 Pleasant Street
Claremont, NH
(603)558-0399 or (603) 542-1848
new hampshire office of highway safety
dartmouth health children's
new hampshire office of highway safety
children's hospital at dartmouth-hitchcock
safe kids new hampshire
safe kids new hampshire